• Are you an Inventor, product developer, supplier of goods and services?
• Do you need something mass produced in China?
• Are you looking for design, engineering and production contacts and opportunities?

A high number of new businesses fail in their first year. Having an experienced team around you to reduce bad choices and encourage informed strategic business practices can make all the difference. Novus Promotions LLC is passionate about working with entrepreneurs and small to medium sized companies that are developing new and innovative goods and services.

If you have a new product or idea, Novus Promotions can save you months of searching out what to do next and we can help you avoid a lot of common and costly mistakes. We know how hard it is to get something to market.

We can help you understand and prepare for the road ahead. We will help you work on your own but not by yourself. Our Novus consultants are trained to educate and guide you toward success. 


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